Had breakfast around 8AM so I could get off and do our 2 hour bike ride along the Danube. It actually was around 3 hours.
Many of the passengers decided to do the Melk Abbey and they left on their 7 minute bus ride to the Abbey.

This is a Benedictine Abbey in Austria and one of the most famous monasteries. For over 900 years monks have continually lived and worked in the Melk Abbey.
As most of the passengers toured this Abbey, some of us opted for the bike ride which was 11 miles along the Danube river -- 5 1/2 miles into the wind and then across the bridge 5 1/2 miles with the wind. It was very scenic once we got out of the wind. The guides were great-- one a the beginning of the group and one at the end. As we were riding along the Danube we saw many fishermen who we found out later were in a tournament and one man had a really large fish that we stopped and watched him reel it in. One the way back it was so relaxing. Once we got back we sailed for Vienna thru the Wachau Valley, one of the most beautiful stretches of the Danube.
So much fun riding our bikes!
The beautiful countryside we rode thru.
Jumped off our bikes to see him reel this fish in!
All back on the ship and sailed for Vienna. We had lunch, which everyday we could either have it in the dining room or else a light lunch in the lounge which was sandwiches, soups and pastries.
But today we had a special treat after lunch---- an ice cream party as we sailed thru the Wachau Valley.
Fixing the perfect ice cream sundae!
Cruising by the blue façade of the Durnsteins church tower
Just a great time to relax on our balcony
Since many of us chose to attend the Strauss and Mozart concert, that we were able to have an early dinner. As we were eating dinner we arrived into Vienna. After dinner we took buses into the city.
It was a great time to see Vienna at night and see the different lighted famous buildings. Since Tom Cruise was filming a movie there we were not able to be dropped off right in front of the Opera House. Therefore we enjoyed our 4 block walk..
Walking into the Opera House we were shown to one of their concert halls and then escorted to our seats which were 1st and 2nd row-- great seats!!
The opera started and was divided into about 14 different acts-- a 40 piece orchestra, some ballet dancing and opera singers. We all really enjoyed the concert. After about 90 minutes our buses were there to pick us and a short ride back to the ship.
For those who still wanted to party Akos was in the lounge on his piano and food was served.
Can hardly wait to see Vienna tomorrow!
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